FAQ & General Questions

General Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Hopefully, the questions here are similar to what you had in mind. If they aren't, please click the button below to get in touch with me. I am more than happy to help settle your fears, and get you taking the next step in your financial journey!

FAQ & General Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Hopefully, the questions here are similar to what you had in mind. If they aren't, please click the button below to get in touch with me. I am more than happy to help settle your fears, and get you taking the next step in your financial journey!

I thought I didn't have to "buy" anything from you?

You are 100% correct in that you don't HAVE to buy anything from me. This website houses the blog posts, links to YouTube videos, and free resources you can use without paying me anything.

For many that is enough and they can DIY themselves to an answer that fits their lives. If that sounds like you, then please DO NOT BUY. If you want to work with me one on one, then yes I require some compensation for my time.

You may choose to support me if you wish through purchasing digital products, using any of my affiliate links, but for coaching, I definitely require some payment. That makes sure the both of us do not waste time.

Aren't the YouTube videos, blog posts, and free resources enough?

The only person who could answer that question is you. If you think you can DIY this and won't need an accountability partner who is also invested in seeing you succeed, then yeah by all means solo it. I would be a liar if I didn't say that is what I was doing for a long while. If you want additional resources, I also recommend checking out The Budget Mom.

Why should I spend money when my money situation is already a mess?

The money you are spending is an investment in yourself which I completely understand is scary. Taking a gamble on yourself and on me is difficult. However, having some skin in the game
shows you value getting mentorship to address your problems. It often motivates the person because they feel like Damn now I HAVE TO because I already invested. So we use that to create the start of what motivates you to follow through until the results kick in and reward your effort.

Do you only work with American clientele?

Yes. While most financial topics are universal, how some of them work needs to be tweaked and applied differently due to governmental policy. I do not want to give you false or non-applicable information. With that said, I am more than happy to refer you out to someone local or knowledgeable about your area.

What is the difference between a Financial Coach or a Financial Advisor or a Financial Planner?

A financial coach helps you handle the
day-to-day financial picture. Our job is to help improve your skills so you can then move on. We don't tell you what to do, just make suggestions and tweak things as we get to know you better. Remember you are in control of your financial picture, not us. However, there are some things we can't do.

For sure we can't tell you how to invest your money. That is where a financial advisor or financial planner shines. They have an additional focus on investing, retirement, and wealth preservation but may sell their services or products for a cut from the mutual fund or annuities provider.

Please always look for a fiduciary advisor or planner to ensure you get the advice and products you need.

Do you have any special certifications?

Right now, no. At least not strictly financially related. I am a Licensed Behavior Analyst in the State of Tennessee. I have just dealt with life as it hands curveballs to me. Like others I have read, taken non-credit courses, and gone to conferences about personal finance. I do plan on taking more formal training when my life allows more time to devote to schooling again.

Why should I trust you?

Well hopefully you have vetted me out by reading, watching, or engaging with my content. If my content doesn't excite you, then working with me probably won't be the best either. That is why I offer a 15-minute free call to make sure we are both a good fit. If I genuinely believe I cannot help you, I won't take you on and will refer you to someone I think can. I really hate wasting people's time. Oftentimes, people choose me because they think I am relatable and therefore trustworthy. This is one of those, go trust your gut moments.

What do I get with coaching?

Please understand that this is not a quick fix. You have to put in the work to make sustainable changes to your mindset about money and how you interact or use that money. I am more of a guide to help you develop the skills and give you a plan.

With coaching, you get dedicated time with me one on one. You get a nonjudgemental space to open up about your financial picture, worksheets both blank and completed so you can redo them at a later time and compare your answers, recordings of the meetings (if you choose to allow recording) so you can view back and take notes as needed, and occasionally I will try to make you laugh.

Is working virtually harder than face-to-face?

Getting help virtually is actually a lot more convenient because it allows for greater flexibility. Want to have a phone call session? Sure thing. Want a video call session? Also an option. Want a video call session but you have to mute because your animals are crying for attention? Not an issue. Feeling sick? Well we can still meet and not worry about spreading germs. Want a video call session but you don't want to be on camera? For sure an option. You can just send me the information you need, plus I can record the session so you can refer back to it later instead of feeling like you need to take notes.

Do you work with people in person?

If you are local to Clarksville Tennessee, then yes I can. I have done some sessions at local coffee shops, at places of employment, and can if requested do it at your home. I also do some group stuff from time to time. As of right now I do not offer my services in person outside of my current town. However, in the future if someone wishes to host me for an intensive I might be open it to. (I do still have little kids.)


What Our Clients Say About Us

Rebecca is highly intelligent and knowledgeable about budgeting and finance. She made me feel very confident that she could help. The process was super easy! I expressed how busy I was with running a business and how budgeting and tracking finance was a huge chore I avoided like the plague! She came up with easy solutions to simplify my budget. She is extremely responsive as well. Can't recommend her highly enough!

Logan York, Local Small Business Owner

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